गुरुवार, 15 दिसंबर 2022


 A human is a creature of unpredictable nature, who could sometimes not control his desires or act on the demand of his necessities, which could be against the legal system or the morality sometimes. Hence, it is not possible to completely eradicate crime from society as it would mean to put a curb on the desires of man which also results in technological advancements or other discoveries. 

This is where the judicial system comes into play. Ensuring justice to the victim, providing appropriate punishment to the wrongdoer, while ensuring that the sides are heard before taking any decision. However, nothing could be perfect and the statement is true for the justice system of the country also. There are some flaws or shortcomings, which result in the delay of imparting justice to the victims or sometimes an innocent faces the trials while simultaneously paying for a crime he never committed. In these situations, one can always consult the opinion of the top 10 lawyers in Bangalore or in his own city so as to have a better understanding of the legalities involved in his case. 

Indian Judiciary

The judiciary oversees the law system which is governed by the law of the country codified via conventions, norms and legislations. 

The present form of the legal system was established in the mid-nineteenth century, which was established by the colonial regime and still has certain aspects of the same medieval customs. Today, unlike the past, the judicial system is governed by the judicial officers and has nothing to do with the civil services.  


The legal system of the country is single, unified and interconnected and the Supreme Court is the highest authority. The judiciary serves the critical function resolving the disputes, interpreting the law, safeguarding the basic rights and serving the protector of the Constitution.

The common law system was introduced by the British East India Company, who in 1728 had the license to construct “Mayor’s Courts” in Madras, Bombay and Calcutta. 

After the Company won the battle of Plassey, the judicial duties of the company grew exponentially, and after 1772, the Company’s Court’s spread outside the three principal towns as well. 

The firm thus, gradually overtook the Mughal Legal System, thus, decreased the influence of religion in the legal system. 


Although the legal system follows the principle of Separation of Powers, thus separating the judiciary from the influence of the executive and legislative branches, the Indian Judicial system still has a number of issues. These issues affect the working of the courts in an efficient way and thus negatively impact the rights of the citizens to have justice. 

Issues with the Indian Judicial System

  • Pendency of the Cases
  • Corruption in the system
  • Lack of transparency in some matters related to the judicial system
  • Under trials of the accused.

Some of the major issues have been discussed below-

Pending cases

The number of pending cases in the Supreme Court has risen to over 60,000 cases. The judge to population ratio is 10-11 million in the country, the objective behind the judicial system has been undermined due to a large number of pending cases in the courts around the country. The delay in the cases, result in affecting the citizen’s right to justice. 

If you are facing a criminal case or are thinking of filing one, it is advised to seek the advice of the top 10 lawyers in Delhi, or the top 10 lawyers in Jaipur or any other city where you reside, so that you can understand the legal provisions involved in your case in a better way.

Lack of accountability

While the judiciary is separated from the interference or influence of the other parts of the government, the judiciary sometimes has too much freedom, which results in the lack of transparency in the judicial system. 


Like other parts of the government, the judiciary is also influenced by corruption in some circumstances. There is no accountability in the system sometimes, the media is not able to provide a complete and accurate situation of corruption in the court proceedings.


The Indian Judiciary is one of the most renowned and reliable judiciaries in the world and has given many judgments which helped in ensuring justice to the masses, including protecting nature. 

However, as in democracy, an individual has the right to ask questions related to the country. The pending cases are also another severe issue faced by the country which directly impacts the legal system, also influencing the trust of the people in the judicial process. Thus, necessary steps are required to be taken by the government. 

Lead India offers you a wide pool of experienced advocates, who could assist you in the cases involving various matters, including the criminal law, civil law, family law, or any other legal problem you are facing.

Origin - https://leadindialaw.wordpress.com/2022/10/17/what-is-the-biggest-flaw-in-the-indian-justice-system/

बुधवार, 15 जून 2022

All About Kaal Sarp Dosh and Remedy to Get rid of it

Kaal Sarp Dosh is a fault that is not considered good for anyone. As per the astrology, this fault has several malefic effects on people’s lives and thus, it is important to get a successful remedy for the same. This dosh is a result of the position of the planets like when all the planets get between Ketu and Rahu then this dosh happens in the person’s birth chart. Also, it is believed that this dosh happens due to the baddeeds of the person in his or her previous life like killing a snake or doing something malicious with any other human being.This dosh is not considered good as the person suffering from it will have to face a lot of struggles in the entire life; both personally and professionally.

What Struggles One Has to Face with Kaal Sarp Dosh?

A person having this dosh suffers a lot from different types of issues. There will always be unnecessary hurdles coming up in his way and there will be no mental peace. The person will have to face a tensed time with his family members too. There will always remain a probability of not getting much success even after a lot of trying. It also creates confusion in the mind and heart of the suffered person along with unknown fear. This is why people want a perfect remedy for this dosh which is Kalsarp Pooja in Ujjain.

Why Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja is Done in Ujjain?

The Kaal SarpYog is formed in a person’s natal chart due to the effect of any bad deed done by him in his past life. Kaal Sarp Dosh is also known as 'Kartari' Dosh and ‘Sarp Dosh’ which is rectified only by conducting Kaal Sarp Dosh pooja in Ujjain. When all the planets come and sit between Rahu and Ketu then it forms the Kaal SarpYog. As a result, the person has to face many mental, physical, and financial issues. This is why Kaal Sarp Dosh puja in Ujjain is done by a learned pandit in Ujjain. After this puja, the person gains mental peace, happiness, and progress in life. It helps in removing many issues like child obstruction, lack of progeny, everyday issues of home, and many more.

There are 12 major types of Kaal Sarp Dosh that needs Kalsarp pooja in Ujjain:

1. Anant Kalasarpa Yoga
2- Kulik Kalsarpa Yoga
3- Vasuki Kalsarpa Yoga
4- ShankhpalKalsarp Yoga
5- Padma Kalsarpa Yoga
6- MahapadmaKalsarpa Yoga
7- TakshakKalsarp Yoga
8- KarkotakKalsarp Yoga
9- ShankhnaadKalsarp Yoga
10-Pataka Kalsarpa Yoga
11- Toxic Kalsarp Yoga
12- SheshnagKalsarp Yoga

So, if a person suffers from any type of above mentioned Kaal Sarp Dosh then he or she may have the probability of early death in life. But, if the dosh is timely treated then it will nullify the effect and ensure longer life, good health, mental peace, and financial stability.

Where To Do Kaal Sarp Pooja?

Ujjain is known to be the best place for conducting Kalsarp Dosh Puja.The reason behind it is that Ujjain is the only region in the whole world where sesame seeds are found. Thus, it is believed that any type of worship performed here will get the results soon. The worship performed in this region receives the blessings of Lord Shiva and other deities. Another reason of performing Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja in Ujjain is that Baba Mahakaleshwar and Nagsthali have been provided with the highest position from the holy city of Ujjain. This place is also known as the main place of Nagsthali. This is why, a person who wants to remove this dosh from the birth chart have to perform the kalsarp pooja in Ujjain.
Mangal Bhat Puja Ujjain | Mangal Dosh Puja Ujjain | काल सर्प दोष पूजा उज्जैन

गुरुवार, 9 जून 2022

Why Do You Need The Best pandit in Ujjain for Mangal Dosh

The word “Manglik” was coined by Vashishtha and is derived from the Sanskrit words “mānga” meaning “male” and “like” meaning “female”; therefore, the term “Mangalik” means male-female.The Manglik Dosh is said to be a special effect that a person has on his or her life. It is said that if a person has this fault, they will be rich and their love life will be fulfilled. According to the scriptures, the Manglik Dosh is a result of Mars being in the 1,4,7,9,12 house in a person's birth chart. This is said to be a very auspicious situation and can result in a lot of good things for the person.

Planet of Mangal Dosh- Mars

Mars is a planet that is considered a planet of sin and holds a very important place in the field of astrology. To remove this sin people usually conduct Mangal Dosh Puja in Ujjain by the best pandits in Ujjain to get Mangal Dosh NivaranUpay. It governs the field of activity of mind, speech, and body (mind-body) by ruling the mental faculty of reasoning or intellect along with all such activities that are related to it like memory, will, action, emotions, etc., by its positive energy and power of attraction and desire for desirable things, money, and material gains, etc., by its negative energy and power of aversion towards undesirable or repulsive objects and situations, diseases, etc., and all other harmful conditions in life.

How are ManglikPeople?

Manglik people possess qualities such as being humble, fearless, influential, smart, focused, disciplined, and also angry. The vibrations that radiate from them are really powerful and brilliant. For this reason, it is believed that only one Manglik can live peacefully with the nature of another Manglik. Another ideology that is prevalent in our society is that after the age of 28, the dosha of Mars gets reduced. This means that all problems will start appearing after 28 years of age for a person, who is Manglik i.e. it has less Mars than Sun in his horoscope.

Special features of Manglik dosh

There are a few special features that a person possesses who have Manglik dosh in their Kundli. The features are as follows:

● The exceptional feature of a person having Manglik Dosh in their Kundli is that they do the tasks that are difficult ahead of their time. Their unique feature is that they possess the ability to lead since they are born, and their reflexes are faster than anyone else. They are not very friendly people and if they extend their hands towards friendship, then they put in all the effort for it.

● They have slight anger issues but on the contrary, they are emotional and soft-hearted and have empathy towards someone else quite fast, they are humans of kindness and have forgiving nature and if make relationship they tend to run it for a long time and does not wish to break their relationship which they share with anyone.

● Manglik dosh is like a man who has no fear in life. His strength is great, he has many abilities. Because of his strong heart, his enemies are very afraid of him.

Superstitious regarding Manglik people

Due to the superstition of Mangal dosh, people tend to perform Mangal Bhat Puja Ujjain to get rid of it. Such as that if a Manglikboy gets married to a Manglikgirl then the marriage becomes a trouble for their parent's life. It all depends on the position of Mars that what effect it will have on a person’s personal and professional life. This is why you need the assistance of the Best pandit in Ujjain for Mangal Doshnivaran puja.
Also contact us for kaal sarp dosh puja ujjain or काल सर्प दोष पूजा उज्जैन i.e kaal sarp dosh puja ujjain