शनिवार, 7 जनवरी 2017

Best Tourist destinations in india under Golden Triangle tour

All tourist locations from Delhi

Delhi, the heart of India, this is very important city in India from the 11th century, as that time Kind Prithviraj Chauhan was ruling this city and his dynasty started from Delhi to Ajmer and other important locations of India, after him mughls were started ruling from this city, even when British government came in power, it also gave extra wattage to this city, as in 1911 they shifted their kingdom from Kolkatta to delhi, as this location is very prominent location of India to keep eyes on all the part of India, hence we are here showing so many locations to visit from Delhi, there are 2 most important reason [1] Delhi having very good connectivity of all the major cities of India [2] From here you can fly to any country by plane, even inside India it is connected with all the major airports.

So we start our journey from delhi, 1st we need to visit all the major locations of Delhi, Like Lal quila, Jama Masjid, Qutub Minar, Lotus temple, Jantar mantar and other historical monuments with so many monuments of British era like parliament house, president house, India gate etc, for visiting Delhi you can hire a DTC bus for Delhi Darshan, they have very nominal charges per person, so hope after visiting these locations you are more energetic to visit other locations of the India, like Jaipur, Agra, Mathura, Varanasi, Rishikesh, Haridwar etc.

Golden Triangle Tour from delhi

As we have started our journey from Delhi, hope most of locations of Delhi you have visited, so take one day rest in your hotel if your body wants that, otherwise move to Agra, Agra is well know beautiful city of Mughal Era, Here Akbar, Jahangir, and Shahjahan ruled from 16th century to 18th century, these three ruler made this city beautiful as much possible by them at that time, they made so many forts, palace and other historical monuments, in this list Taj Mahal also listed now a question can come in your mind, that how will you organize this tour with your family, means which place you visit 1st and then next, because so many time due to lack of information and knowledge we waste our most of the time in traveling from one place to other for this you can take any Golden triangle tour packages from Delhi and enjoy your tour with hassle free manner.

Jaipur, Agra, Mathura and Ranthambore tour

Now, it is best time to move from Delhi and reach Agra, Agra is best place to visit, but as you completed your all the historical places of Agra, you can visit Mathura and Vrandavn, these locations are very holly places in India, and so many tour operators offers tour packages for these 2 locations, but I am sure, you do not need to take any packages and visit these places with your own wish, means free hand and free mind, you can complete these 2 locations in 1 or 2 days, after this you can move towards Jaipur, a symbol of Rajputani pride, so as you enter in Rajasthan you feel a pride and freedom in the environment, and I am sure you will feel such kind of pride throughout your journey of Rajasthan.

But as per the history of Rajasthan, the only state Mewar is the main pride of Rajasthan, as only this state never accept the slavery of mughal, while rest are came under the ruling of mughal by fight or by relationship, but the Rana's of mewar never do so, Ranakumbha made victory tower when he won malwa, this tower is also known Vijay Sthamb or Vishnu Sthambh, in this you can see pictorial history of Ramayn and Mahabhrat, there are some tour operators who offers Golden Triangle tour with Ranthambore, because this tour not offered by all tour operators, so before move you should make sure this services or location in their tour.

My experience with Golden Triangle Tour

I have started my journey from Delhi, and i want to visit Rishikesh, Haridwar, Varanasi, Jaipur, Mathura, Agra, Bharatpur and Ranthambore, so I have taken 15 Days for this tour, my tour operator suggest me to 1st visit Delhi, so i hired a taxi and visited all the monuments in one day, I came back hotel at 9 PM, and taken bath with hot water then dinner and go to bed for a sound sleep, next day I started journey at 10 AM for haridwar and reached there at 6 PM, just checkin hotel taken bath and go for the Ganga Arti and stayed there some more time and came back hotel at 9 PM, taken dinner and sleep, I wake-up at 5 AM and started my journey to Rishikesh, reached their timely and visited all the places taken bath is Holy river Ganga, and back to Haridwar at 4 PM, taken rest for half an hour and started journey for Varansi, reached Varansi very next day, visited a Ganga ghat, taken bath, and Vishwantah Temple, and enjoyed full day in Varansi, and taken part in evening Ganga Arti came back to hotel at 9 PM, taken dinner and go to sleep, next day I move to Agra, I explained my all the journey details about Jaipur, Mathura, etc in the above in form of small hints.

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