गुरुवार, 12 जनवरी 2017

How to enjoy South India tour in 7 to 10 Days

So many tourists of the world travel across India to gain a positive energy that they can further utilize with their family and work place, but there is shortage of time for everyone, in a predefined time frame you have to visit all the important places of a city or state and keep yourself energetic is really matter for your next journey.

Here I want to share my own experience of South India tour that I completed within 10 days with the help of a renounced tour operator, I booked a very smart South India tour package from Delhi, because I want to start my journey from Delhi and from here I want to visit other states or cities of this tour, as tour operator given us half day to visit Delhi, because Delhi is also a home of vary famous monuments and historical buildings so we can not escape Delhi if starting our journey from Delhi, here I visited very fast India gate, Miner, Tombs and Temples.

From Delhi we fly for the Karnataka, this is a historically sound state, here so many famous kings were ruled their history made you to feel amazing about the life, also there are so many beaches, temples, forts and palaces make you happy, and you will understand the ancient or age old India's architecture, the design on stone or wood is very interesting, as it passed more than 100 years but the color and design still their, in our 2 days of Karnataka Tour itinerary from Delhi given us sufficient time to visit most of the historical places of Karnataka, from here we fly for the Kerala.
As we reached Kerala, we checked in to a hotel that was already included in the Kerala tour itinerary, after taken a rest of 2-5 hours I feel energetic so I was ready to go on house boat and want to spend one night with that hut, this was really a very amazing experience, as I feel in night their a music made with the combination of boat chappu, water, air and light made by moon, it was really a very amazing time that I passed that night, they offers food made by vegetables of near by tree and hubs of that water body, but the food is very tasty and delicious. 

After spend 2 days and one night we move towards Tamil Nadu, as this state having very top class temples, and these tramples having very amazing history and architecture, I feel a very positive energy at the temples of this state, as we have only 3 days left in our Tamil Nadu tour itinerary, so we have decided that 1st day we will visit all the famous temples and next day we will some historical places, our tour operator organized this task very smartly, and on 3rd day we start our journey back to Delhi, this tour become very wonderful due to our time and planning of my tour operator.

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